Acidic Waters
All Natural, Chemical Free Disinfectant. Hand Sanitizer, Powerful Surface Cleaner, Antimicrobial Mouthwash, Cures Pink Eye & Athletes Foot. Kills Live Viruses, E-coli, Salmonella, Bacteria, Mold, Fungus, Staph, & more. Within 30 seconds of application, no live organisms detected! Glass Bottles, Strong Acidic Water.


2.5ph Strong Acidic Sanitary Water
All Natural, Chemical Free Disinfectant. Hand Sanitizer, Powerful Surface Cleaner, Antimicrobial Mouthwash, Cures Pink Eye & Athletes Foot. Kills Live Viruses, E-coli,...
5.5ph Acidic Water, Same acidity as skin & hair. Acts as a toner, scent free, hypo allergenic, non-comedogenic, all natural, brightening, refreshing,...
Got Maskne (Mask Acne) or just tired of smelling your own breath? I have harnessed the power of Nature's virus and germ...